
Nora Kern, PT
2007 starting INN courses
2005 Teacher of NOI group
2001 Bobath Advanced Instructor IBITA
1986 Bobath Instructor IBITA
1979 Diploma in Physiotherapy, Vienna, Austria
1958 Born in Vienna, Austria

Besides activities as a teacher in those concepts, including conferences, lectures and own studies, attendance in Maitland, Functional Kinetics, Affolter, FOTT, wheelchair positioning, PNF, Crafta courses and the ongoing discussion and sharing of ideas with colleagues are influencing my work.

Even more important is the regular work with my patients, either in their home, in the studio or in rehabilitation clinics, so that my experience is coming from the intensive care unit to the long term ambulant rehabilitation, from the age of 1 to 90.

I have taught physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, medical doctors and nurses, in many countries of Europe, like Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slowenia, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

Besides that, I offer clinical supervision in different clinics in germany and denmark.

I published an article about the concept of INN in german, focusing on the release of neurodynamic test positions, and an interview with me, "Is spasticity protecting neural structures?", was published in german journals for physiotherapy.

This is my main interest of work, to use the knowledge of the theory of neurodynamics, the tests for peripheral nerves, the actual ideas of pain management to interpret and understand  better the reactions of patients after a severe lesion of the central nervous system. This leads automatically to a different behavior towards the patient, as a person and as a therapist: more supportive, more sensitive, less demanding actions but activation, not provoking pain at all, using their verbal and body reactions as a communication tool, all in order to calm the system down, not to provoke fear to fall, to fail, not to fulfill expectations, anxiety, to establish a "handicapped matrix". This matrix, a pattern of activation in the brain, starts when in the acute hospital all stuff members tell the "new" patient nobody knows wether they will walk again, speak again, use their arm again, go back into a normal life.
We have to stop that vicious circle right from the beginning by focusing on their abilities and strengths, including their hopes and wishes. Forget about mistakes, give it a new try! And I will help you to win.


Carlos Rodríguez.
Diplomado en Fisioterapia en la E.U. de Fisioterapia de La Coruña
Experto en Fisioterapia Neurológica por la UDC desde 2005 tras realizar el Posgrado en Fisioterapia Neurológica en la E.U. de Fisioterapia de La Coruña
Terapeuta Bobath desde el 2005
Cursos monográficos avanzados en el concepto Bobath en España y en el extranjero focalizados a miembro superior, control motor y aplicación de movilización del sistema nervioso en el concepto Bobath

Finales del 2008 y hasta Marzo del 2009. Reconocido por Karen Nielsen- coordinadora de tratamientos en Center for Neurorehabilitering Filadelfia (Dinamarca)- como asesor de equipos multidisciplinares en pacientes afectados por daño en el SNC en fase subaguda, habiendo realizado supervisión y razonamiento clínico en los tratamientos que se llevaban a cabo. Durante el asesoramiento tuve la oportunidad de compartir conocimientos con profesionales del campo de la Neurorehabilitación reconocidos internacionalmente, así como entrar en contacto con diferentes metodologías y enfoques del trabajo, siempre dentro de la idea de equipo multidisciplinar
Traductor y ayudante de docencia en el primer curso oficial del concepto Affolter realizado en nuestro centro
Asistente y traductor de Nora Kern (tutora avanzada Bobath, instructora del NOI group y asesora de tratamientos en diferentes centros de Europa) en el concepto INN desarrollado por ella.
Instructor de cursos introductorios y charlas sobre el concepto INN para fisioterapeutas y terapeutas ocupacionales en  España
Desde el 2012, socio fundador y director asistencial de Sinapse. Centro de Atención integral de la Patología Neurológica y Logopedia
Profesor de la E.U. Gimbernat de Torrelavega (adscrita a la UC-Universidad de Cantabria-) en grado en diferentes asignaturas de Fisioterapia Neurológica a nivel teórico y práctico y organizador y profesor de la especialidad de Actuación Fisioterápica en Neurología del cuarto año en dicha Escuela de Fisioterapia. Profesor tutor de alumnos de prácticas 
Master oficial en Gestión e Investigación en la Dependencia (2011-2012) de la UDC realizado en la E.U. de Fisioterapia de la Coruña
Actualmente realizando la tesis doctoral en el departamento de Medicina de la UDC, basada en la implicación del SNP en las personas con afectación del SNC
Barbara Ateras, ST

Since 2013 Practicing as Speech Therapist in RehaClinc Kilchberg, Switzerland
2013 Master of Science in Speech Therapy, Donau University Krems, Austria
Since 2011 Assistance to INN-speech therapy courses with Nora Kern, Germany and Spain
2010-2013 Lecturer in a professional school for speech therapists, Cologne, Germany
Since 1993 State-Approved Speech Therapist, Cologne, Germany
Born 1965 Germany

Over 20 years I worked as Speech Therapist in different rehabilitation clinics for patients with neurological diseases, such as the RehaClinic Kichberg, Switzerland; Therapiezentrum Burgau, Germany; RehaNova Klinik Cologne, Germany; German Pediatric Cententer Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Child Neurological Centre Bonn, Germany. In the course of the time I successfully completed advanced trainings amongst others in Neurodynamics, Bobath, Affolter, F.O.T.T., Crafta, TAKTKIN, MFT.
2009 I had the change, as first speech therapist, to complete the INN course for Occupational Therapist with Nora Kern and assigned the concept of neurodynamics in neurorehabilitation to speech therapy. Till this day I make the experience, that the concept of INN is excellent capable of being integrated into the usual speech therapy. It is highly effective and speech therapists can reach areas directly, like the laryngeal sensibility, which were difficult to reach before.
To prove the effectiveness of Neurodynamics in neurorehabilitation, I finalized 2013 an academic pilot study, as part of my master-thesis, about the integration of neurodynamics in the treatment of Patients with Parkinson`s disease and Dysarthria, with positive results. The study will be published briefly.

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